vineri, 27 aprilie 2012


Do you know why I don't really like asking questions to people? First, because so many times the answers aren't true, real, from heart. This makes me mad! Second, nonetheless of the answer, real or not, it's supposed to create an immage of that person. That would also mean, that I should start caring about that person, that the answers create. Once I start caring, I might get hurt. Being hurt it's not such a pleasant feeling. Much more less that what I'm searching for. So, these being said, I have no more questions...

luni, 23 aprilie 2012


This week started more than nice. I met some new people, that are more than cool, nice and super-duper great!!! I started exerciseing again, and btw, i feel much better trying to be in shape (even though it drains me out). Found some new great songs...and finally finished writing my paper. So, thumb up fo life, and the little things that make life the best damn thing that could ever be!

miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012

'neatza soare!!!

De pe la inceputul saptamanii am un plan. Cum am observat eu ca de ceva timp incoace ploua,in fiecare dimineata cand ma trezesc salut soarele. DA! Soarele. Stiu ca nu a aparut deocamdata, dar daca il salut, poate, poate, apare! Nu vreau sa fiu cobe, dar functioneaza. Ieri, inainte sa ploua torential, a aparut. E drept ca poate a facut-o in ciuda, dar a aparut. Asadar, 'neatza soare!!!

marți, 17 aprilie 2012


Nu stiu cum se face, dar mai nou nu am timp. Tare mi-ar place sa pot sa cumpar catva de la oricine. Dar de la cine? Doar nu e ca si cum ai putea sa mergi la un om oarecare sa-l rogi sa-ti vanda timp. Nu ca poate nu ar vrea, dar cum sa-l vanda? Ca degeaba iti da un ceas.Iti vinde timp trecut.Dar tu nu vrei un timp trecut, tu clar vrei un timp viitor...adica eu vreau. Problema, ajunge pana la nivelul unitatii de masura a timpului. De ce am divizat in halul asta timpul? Nu era destul sa avem ca unitate de masura doar ora? Sau si mai bine...doar ziua? Astfel nu ar fi trecut asa de mult timp.